Ratte Equine

Ratte Equine

sporthorse farrier for eventing & hunter/jumper competition horses

Lose a shoe? 

We're in ocala, florida for winter season.

See Beck in the farrier box at Kentucky 5* and Tryon 4*

 "I ADORE seeing these athletes do what they do best! Gallop and jump, and do it all over again. Seeing them canter into the show jump arena on our final day, makes me choke up. Being a part of that team is priceless".  -Beck Ratte

USA Eventing Team Farrier

As Team Usa's farrier, beck supports top level horses during both competition weeks and regular training season at home. 

Our goal is not only prime competition weeks but also working with clients for the best option for a horse's happiness and health over their whole career.   

a biomechanical approach

submit form

Fill out the form below or e-mail info@ratteequine.com


We will be in touch soon. 
